Basket Weaving

 Basket Weaving

Description: We started this lesson by learning about all the different cultures and regions of the world that use basket weaving. We talked about all the different types of materials that are used to basket weave and the many uses. We got to practice weaving before we started our actual project using construction paper cut outs, using an ABAB pattern. Once we were ready to begin, we took styrofoam cups and cut them down so we were able to weave. We chose different colors of yarn and created our baskets to our own liking. Once we were done weaving, the teachers assisted us in making handles and other decorations with the hot glue gun to personalize our baskets. 

Extension: For an extension to this project, I would ask students to write up a non-fiction story about their baskets.I would ask them to use personification to talk about what their baskets are used for. They would be asked to write one page. 


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