Paper Project

 Paper Project

Description: For this project, we learned about the famous painter, Jackson Pollock, and his famous painting that used the "drip technique." Following the lesson, we cut out three geometric shapes for our own projects. I cut out a square, triangle, and circle. Following that, we were given trays with shaving cream in them. The teachers walked around and put food coloring in the shaving cream. We then mixed the different colors of food coloring together to create our desired designs. After that, we lightly dipped our shapes into one of the piles of shaving cream, we scrapped off the excess cream and glued them onto construction paper. We did this for all three shapes. After our shapes dried, we were asked to make designs coming out of shapes onto our construction paper. We were asked to name our projects, and I named mine "Wyatt's Drip." We then wrote a short explanation on why we chose the designs we did on our construction paper. 

Extension: For an extension, I would integrate math into this lesson. I would ask students to determine what angle each of their shapes has: Obtuse, Acute, and Right. I think this would be effective into introducing the mathematic lesson as students will be more interested since they get to use their own work in a different subject. 


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