

Description: This lesson was one of the more challenging ones. We started off class by following along on the Powerpoint learning about different famous artists and seeing their works. Once we began creating our own projects, the first task was to create a pattern on a piece of paper. I used the warm colors red, orange, and yellow all the way across.  After that, we made different patterns on a cutout of styrofoam, we had to lightly use a pencil to create our patterns. Once our patterns were made, we went to the front of the room and had the teachers show an example. We made a mark in the corner of our designs to show where to rotate our styrofoam. Once that was done. We used rolling tools to put ink on our styrofoam. We placed the inked styrofoam on our papers with patterns, reapplied ink, and rotated our styrofoam to make a full design.

Extension: For an extension to this assignment, I would ask students to do some research on different famous people in printmaking. I would ask them to write one page talking about a famous artist and what their work entailed. 


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