Van Gogh Project

    Van Gogh Project 

 For this lesson, we watched a video on the life of Vincent Van Gogh and all his incredible accomplishments in his distinguished art career. We analyzed some of his art work, especially his renowned, Starry Night from 1889. Following learning about the artist, we were able to create our own version of his painting. We got to choose what colors we wanted to make the design. We used tissue paper and ModgePodge, and we painted down the backgrounds onto construction paper. After that, we cut out designs using construction paper to add more detail. I chose to do a dark night in the mountains for my project. 

For an extension activity, I would use this project to integrate social studies. Students could write a short story on where their painting might be located, and why they believe that is a good place for it to be. They would have to include facts from the region to defend their ideas. 


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