African Masks

 African Masks

Description: Our lesson started off explaining facts about African masks. We learned that masks are worn when telling stories, dancing, and to convey emotion. We also learned about what the colors of masks represent. When it was time to create our own masks, we used the backs of cereal boxes as a base, and drew designs like shapes and patterns on construction paper. We glued down our construction paper onto the cereal box and put our hands in between the two, making an arch to make a mask appearance. We were asked to create 3 different 3-D figures on our masks and there were several different things we could use to decorate our masks. I named mine the "Monster Emoji" because that is what it looked like to me. 

Extension: For an extension to this activity, students could write a short story about their masks. They would include a description of the color, decorations, and shapes it involved. They would get the opportunity to share their story with the class while wearing their masks.


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