Clay Monster

Clay Monsters

Description: This may have been my favorite activity of the entire semester. We were each given a small chunk of air-drying clay to create a monster. We had to press out the air in our clay, so we had to throw it back in forth from one hand to the other until we could roll it into a ball. We then used the pinching technique to form the shape of our monsters. Once we were satisfied with our shapes, we got to make our monster to our liking. Our one instruction we had to follow was to add and subtract something to our monster. I added 3 eye balls, a tongue, and teeth to my monster. I subtracted from the back of my monster. To get these things to stick, we had to put them in water and use our sticks to poke holes in them, giving it a glue-like substance. Following that, we could begin painting our monsters whatever color we wanted. I chose to paint mine blue, with a red tongue, and white eyeballs. 

Extension: As an extension for this activity, students could write a non-fiction story about their monster. They could talk about what their monster does, why it is shaped the way it is, and give some details about it. They could include their classmates monsters in the story if they want to add more characters. 


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